#gap-1167920733 {
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Introduce yourself
#col-174285236 > .col-inner {
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#row-1972890531 > .col > .col-inner {
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“Thank you for this opportunity. I am a dynamic, responsive, supportive and loyal employee with the skills and knowledge to meet the role’s demands. I am a high-achiever with a track record of success.
I have experience collaborating on time-sensitive projects, delivering outstanding customer service, and taking the lead during challenging problems.
If you hire me, I will be a great role model for the business, adaptable in my duties to support the company, and take responsibility for my professional development.”
How did you hear about this position?
#col-1197246045 > .col-inner {
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#row-1706562994 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I have followed your company online for several months because I admire your work. I have been waiting for the right position to be advertised, and as soon as this job became available, I was ready to submit my CV/resume and apply.”
What do you know about this company?
#col-251243612 > .col-inner {
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#row-552827993 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I researched your company in the build-up to the interview. You are in the X industry and your top-selling products are XYZ.
Your company values include integrity, respect, doing the right thing, teamwork, and innovation. Your mission is to be the market leader while creating ethically and socially responsible products.
I followed you on social media and note that you are active in supporting local communities. Everything I learned about your company has made me confident this is a place I can build a long-term career.”
Why do you want this job?
#col-392682740 > .col-inner {
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#row-968997254 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I want this job because my skills, qualities, experience, and knowledge perfectly match the job description. This is a role in an industry that I am passionate about. We spend a lot of time at work, and this job will empower me to make a real difference while working alongside other ambitious collaborators.”
What are your greatest strengths?
#col-944621347 > .col-inner {
margin: 0px 0px -13px 0px;
#row-743115347 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“My greatest strengths include responsiveness, flexibility, commercial awareness, and embracing change. Ask me to complete a task, and you can rest assured it will be done on time to exacting standards. My commercial awareness means I understand that I must give you a positive return on my salary. Finally, my understanding of how important change is to the success of an organisation means I will support you in new initiatives.”
What is your biggest weakness?
#col-1751705714 > .col-inner {
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#row-1938428167 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“My biggest weakness is saying YES to people. If someone asks me to do extra work or help them, I automatically say YES, which means I sometimes over commit.
This weakness is because I don’t like to let people down. However, I understand I must learn to assess my capacity for extra duties before committing to ensure standards are maintained.”
Where do you see yourself in five years?
#col-1723794925 > .col-inner {
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#row-1745338964 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“In five years, I see myself working for your company in this role with extra responsibility or having earned a promotion. In five years, I would specialise in several work areas. I will be one of the top-performing employees in the company and someone who could help train new team members when they join.”
How would you deal with a conflict with a co-worker?
#col-2124215133 > .col-inner {
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#row-293396247 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“Conflict has the potential to hinder a team’s performance. Therefore, I would resolve it quickly. I would assess my words and actions to ensure I wasn’t the cause of the conflict, speak to my co-worker privately to determine their views, before holding open and honest conversations with them to establish an amicable way forward.”
Why should we hire you?
#col-1931872777 > .col-inner {
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#row-1257577051 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“You should hire me because my skills and knowledge mean I can hit the ground running in the role, require minimal supervision, and support the team in its objectives.
You should also hire me because I work fast, which means I complete more work than the average employee. This will result in a great return on my salary for the company.
Finally, you should hire me because I will bring creative ideas to the team to help the business grow.”
Can you describe a challenging situation and how you overcame it?
#col-1973276175 > .col-inner {
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#row-1290654449 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“In my previous job, I noticed a work colleague was underperforming, and they started being late with task completion, which affected the team.
Although difficult, I tackled the problem to prevent it from worsening. I spoke to my colleague privately to express my concerns and establish the reason for their underperformance.
They informed me they were having personal problems at home. I encouraged them to speak to our manager about their problems and offered to take on some of their work until things improved. After speaking to the manager, they received the support they needed, and they soon got back to full working capacity.”
Why are you leaving your current job?
#col-675601473 > .col-inner {
margin: 0px 0px -13px 0px;
#row-800292744 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I want to leave my current job because I have reached my full potential in the role and am now seeking a new challenge with a dynamic, innovative, and forward-thinking company where my skills will be pushed, and I will get to collaborate on new and exciting projects with like-minded professionals.
My employer has been great to work for, but I am now ready for the next chapter of my career, which I hope will be for your company.”
What motivates you?
#col-1457820553 > .col-inner {
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#row-816866994 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I am motivated by doing great work for my employer because this gives me job satisfaction, makes me feel valued, and will allow me to receive a good salary that empowers me to support my family.
I am also motivated by being fit and healthy and improving my skills and knowledge through continuous improvement activities such as reading and studying.”
Describe your work style.
#col-1362827179 > .col-inner {
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#row-1394703050 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“My work style is a combination of detail-orientated, results-focused, flexible, and collaborative.
I have good attention to detail skills, set goals, am flexible in my job description to support my employer, and work closely with co-workers and stakeholders to achieve the common goal.”
How do you handle stress and pressure?
#col-437933593 > .col-inner {
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#row-6744842 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I handle stress and pressure by being highly organised in my work, foreseeing potential problems, maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle that boosts concentration, and accessing my co-worker’s skills and knowledge when needed.
Stress is an emotion I control, and I would never allow it to affect my work performance.”
Tell me about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills.
#col-83584646 > .col-inner {
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#row-1926128300 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I was in a team meeting discussing a project plan. Two team members suggested we cut corners to save money and speed up the project’s completion. I disagreed with their suggestion and spoke out.
I explained that cutting corners went against company safety policies and that if the project failed, we would be responsible. After listening to my reasoned argument, they agreed that cutting corners was not an option.”
What are your salary expectations?
#col-1744876856 > .col-inner {
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#row-1321212266 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“My salary expectations are £34,000. £34,000 is the going rate for a high-performing employee in this role and industry.
For £34,000, I will ensure you see a great return. This will be achieved by taking a cost-conscious approach to my work to help save money, and bringing creative ideas to the team to boost sales.”
How do you prioritise your work?
#col-822551395 > .col-inner {
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#row-281087018 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“I prioritise my work by creating a list of daily tasks. I colour-code each task on urgency. Red tasks require immediate attention, orange tasks can be tackled second, and green tasks left for when I have more time available in the day.”
How do you handle feedback?
#col-1641579018 > .col-inner {
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#row-1060055227 > .col > .col-inner {
background-color: rgb(2, 125, 201);
“Feedback empowers me to improve and to add value to my team. Therefore, I handle feedback with positivity, curiosity, and an improvement plan. If I constantly improve and listen to valuable feedback and advice, I will always be an asset to my employer and have job security.”
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