Independent Schools 11+ Verbal Reasoning

During the exam candidates will be provided with two booklets. One booklet will be the testing booklet which will include all the questions. The other booklet is the answer booklet and should be filled out in relation to the testing questions. Students need to check that they have been given the correct testing and answer booklets, and that the booklets match the paper that you are expected to sit. During the test, to mark the correct answer in the answer booklet, students must draw a line through the small rectangular box, indicating their chosen answer.

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How2Become 11+ Sample Verbal Reasoning Answer Sheet

Remember, student’s answers must show correlation with the number of the correct question. You will not receive a mark for the question if your answer number doesn’t match the question number.

Top tips for the Independent Schools 11+ Verbal Reasoning exam 

  • Some people like to work on the questions they find most difficult first. Some people prefer to leave the harder questions to last. Pick a way that you feel comfortable with, and use it throughout your Verbal Reasoning test.
  • Accuracy is key. You need to remain as accurate as possible to ensure successful marks. That’s why it is important to fully comprehend the questions and understand what is being asked.
  • Make sure that you undergo practice questions under timed conditions. This will help to improve your overall performance by allowing you to practice under similar conditions to that of the real test.
  • Make sure you read the question very carefully. Some questions are designed to trick you, so you need to fully understand what the question is asking you to do, before you answer it. We recommend that you read the question at least twice before attempting to answer it.
  • Practice as many different types of verbal reasoning questions as you can.
  • Practice a variety of difficulty levels. If you are undergoing practice questions and are finding them relatively easy, why not practice more difficult questions? This will allow you to boost your confidence and enhance your skills. If you practice a variety of difficulty levels, you will be ready to tackle any type of Verbal Reasoning question that you encounter during the assessment.

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